<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> Surface Chemistry Group at NDSU

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NDSU Chemistry


Topics List of Publications

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[ Coauthors / colleagues - 2016 ]

Please note that this is a private web site NOT located at NDSU.
Names highlighted in blue are undergraduate coauthors.





76 Adsorption  kinetics  and  dynamics  of  CO,  NO,  and  CO2  on  reduced  CaO(001), 
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112 (2008) 7390-7400
by E. Kadossov, U. Burghaus



Monte Carlo


88 Multi-site kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of thermal desorption spectroscopy data,
Surface Science 603 (2009) 2494-2501
by E. Kadossov, U. Burghaus


A Practical Guide to Monte Carlo Simulations and Classical Molecular 
Dynamics Simulations -An Example Book-,
Nova Science Publishers, textbook,   (2006)
ISBN: 1-59454-531-6 
by U. Burghaus (Dept.of Chemistry, North Dakota State University),
J. Stephan (Fraunhofer Microelectronics Alliance, Berlin, Germany),
L. Vattuone( Struttura della Materia at the Universityof Genova, Italy),
J.M. Rogowska ( Institute of Experimental Physics,University of Wroc?aw, Poland ).


Program Source Codes (ASCII 180 kByte)
Program Windows Versions: 
setup.exe MCS.001 MCS.002      (MCS)
setup2.exe              KMCS.001    KMCS.002          (KMCS)
setup3.exe              FR.001           FR.002                (KMCS fractals) 

37 Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulation of adsorption probabilities: the 
auto-catalytic adsorption phenomenon,
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A21 (2003) 1284-1289,
by J. Stephan, U. Burghaus*.

32 Effect of defects and pre-adsorbates on adsorption probabilities: a Monte Carlo Simulation point of view
Surface Science 507-510 (2002) 736-741, 
by J. Stephan, U. Burghaus*


30 Monte Carlo Simulation of the adsorbate assisted adsorption in the case of CO/ZnO,
Surface Review and Letters 8 (2001) 353-360,
by U. Burghaus.

25 Adsorbate assisted adsorption: a Monte Carlo simulation, 
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Heterogeneous Catalysis, Varna (Bulgaria), (2000)
by U.Burghaus*, L. Vattuone, and I. Kobal.


Theory-Experimental Collaborations


39 Determination of lateral Xe-Xe potential in a single xenon layer adsorbed on Cu(110)
from surface phonon dispersion measurements,
Phyical Review B 68 (2003) 075403--075403-8
by Ch. Boas, M. Kunat, U. Burghaus, B. Gumhalter, Ch. Wöll

36 Stabilization of  polar ZnO-surfaces: Validating microscopic models by using CO as a probe molecule,
Physical Review Letters 90(2003) 106102--106102-4,
by V. Staemmler, K. Fink, B. Meyer, D. Marx, M. Kunat, S.Gil Girol, U. Burghaus, Ch. Wöll.

15 Carbon-13 Kinetic Isotope Effects in the Catalytic Oxidation of CO  over Ag, 
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 102 (1998) 6787-6791,
by I. Kobal, U. Burghaus, M. Senegacnik, and N. Ogrinc.

15 Carbon-13 Kinetic Isotope Effects in the Catalytic Oxidation of CO  over Ag, 
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 102 (1998) 6787-6791,
by I. Kobal, U. Burghaus, M. Senegacnik, and N. Ogrinc.

56 CO2 adsorption on the bimetallic Zn-on-Cu(110) system,
by  S. Funk, B. Hokkanen, U. Burghaus (NDSU)
G. Bozzolo (Ohio Aerospace Institute and NASA Glenn Research Center)
J.E. Garcés (Centro Atómico Bariloche, CNEA, 8400 Bariloche, Argentina)
Surface Science 600 (2006) 1870-1876

81 Adsorption kinetics and dynamics of CO and CO 2 on FeOx nanoclusters: DFT and molecular beam scattering,
ACS proceedings division of fuel chemistry, ISSN 1521-4648
53 (2008) 855-856,
by E. Kadossov, U. Burghaus, M.R. Hoffmann